Hollywood Hand Reader

Pamelah Landers
5 min readJan 17, 2021

Part 2 — Love Lines of Hollywood Successful People


In the first article I discussed a long ring (Apollo) finger as a common marking for people who are successful in the Hollywood world: spending a lot of time in their creative expression.

Part 2, this article, is focused on the love lines, called Heart Lines in Hand Analysis.

Heart lines are the ‘emotional line’ in somebody’s hands. Everybody has them. They identify your particular style of communicating your feelings, and how you prefer others communicate with you emotionally. They also identify your emotional approach to everything.

There are 4 styles of these lines. So you can imagine that if you are in relationship with somebody who has a different style than yours, there is potential conflict in how you feel love expressed to you. Learning about the love lines/heart lines can be so helpful to communication in relationships.

Actors, actresses and directors, cinema photographers, set designers, costume designers, script writers — all the people who are necessary to produce a movie or TV show (in any form) mostly fall into the following two heart line types:

Passionate and Hermit.

Passionates are fire heart line types.

Hermits are earth heart line types.

See below for more details.

One could have a different heart line type on the left hand than on the right hand.

The following people are where I’ve been able to see this on at least one hand.

I know there are many more than these listed below. Sometimes I see photos but can’t get a good look or the resolution is too grainy. Some people I researched I couldn’t find photos of them waving or having their palms up.

Some, and certainly not all, of the successful actors and actors/directors who have Passionate heart lines include Tyler Perry, Michelle Yeoh, Jack Black, Kate Winslet, George Clooney, Halle Berry, Ken Jeong, Sofia Vergara, Robin Williams, Jennifer Aniston, Ryan Gosling, Angelina Jolie, Robert DeNiro, Steve Martin, Taye Diggs, Beyonce, Will Smith, Gemma Chan, David Letterman, Clint Eastwood, Charlie Sheen, Al Pacino

Hermit heart line types include (listed alphabetically by first name) Bradley Cooper, Chris Rock, Denzel Washington, Eddie Murphy,George Clooney, Jared Leto, Jerry Seinfeld, Jim Parsons, John Travolta, Johnny Depp, Robert Redford, Steven Spielberg, Taye Diggs, Van Diesel,(I realize they are all men — what can I say?) Hermit heart lines are more common on men’s hands.

Here are hand print examples.

Notice how curvy the Passionate is and how straight the Hermit it. Heart lines begin under the pinkie finger side of the hand and end under the middle or index finger for the most part. Explanations below.

What these two heart line types have in common is they are “short.” That means end underneath the middle finger (Saturn).

The other two heart line types not mentioned here are long — that terminate under the index (Jupiter finger). I don’t see those very often in hand photos of people in the movies or TV arena. Occasionally.

Here’s why.

The short heart lines/love lines know what they desire. And they have permission inside of themselves to go for it. They are self-focused first emotionally.

The longer love lines/heart lines are focused on other people’s needs first. That means way less internal permission to follow their desires emotionally.

Acting is a very competitive business. And it is a business. The people who succeed do best when they are clear about their desires and feel the internal pulse and trust themselves to go for it. They feel clear that they deserve it.

Passionate Heart Lines are fire as mentioned above. The tag line, “I want what I want and I want it now!”

Also significant for a Passionate is they need to express feelings. It’s a curvy heart line which means expression is super important. Imagine how satisfying for an actor with Passionate Heart lines (one is enough) to be deeply ensconced in a role where a variety of emotional expression is required. They have the design, the bandwidth and the stamina to do this.

I’ve read biographies and have seen interviews of actors who talk about redoing a scene a few or many times. Digging into that deep emotional place every time is required. Passionates are designed for that.

I’m not saying others aren’t. It’s easier for a Passionate to have constant access to feelings and the design to express them with ease.

Another relevant characteristic for the Passionate includes feeling like royalty and desiring to have that recognized — and treated that way. It can cover the full spectrum of royalty where one is gracious or one is demanding — and everywhere in between. Sometimes royalty shows up as drama. Perfect for acting. Complete permission and design to be dramatic.

Hermits, still self-focused, as earth energy, tend to hold back how they feel. Because the Hermit is a straight line, they are designed to be cautious and reserved about expressing their feelings, especially verbally.

I also see Hermit Heart lines on CEO types a lot. Many of the people listed above are also directors, have their own studios or their own production companies or step into directing roles at some point.

Hermits feel things very deeply. However, they tend to not ‘talk about it.’ Acting provides a perfect stage for those deep emotions to be expressed through a character. For Hermits sometimes it feels ‘safer’ to express as another person rather than as themselves emotionally.

Driven by freedom and avoiding feeling trapped, Hermits don’t like risking sharing a feeling that can be ‘used against them’ later — that is the fear. So as an actor, it’s really safe to go deep into the expressive realm through another’s role.

I find it fascinating that the type of heart line is a significant factor in people being drawn to the acting field. How much they trust their feelings matters so much as an actor.

As a side note, because actors tend to marry other actors, if they both have Passionate and/or Hermit heart lines, each can be very self-focused. If they don’t have a way to work with that, providing some space for their partner’s self-focused energy, it can become a battlefield. It’s not a surprise to me that it’s difficult to maintain a marriage or long term relationship in the acting industry if both people are in the spotlight.

Look for part 3 of Hollywood Success People as we examine the Venus Mound.

Pamelah Landers is an Expert Master Hand Analyst. She’s written a book on heart lines that can be found on her website. www.PamelahLanders.com under the Your Love Design tab.



Pamelah Landers

As a Renaissance Entrepreneur artistry, intuition, relationship skills, Scientific Hand Analysis & the Law of Attraction are my tools . www.PamelahLanders.com.